EUC Technical Regulations The organization of the EUC Taekwondo shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Taekwondo Union (ETU).
TAE 1 event
The following competitions will be held:
Individual men competition (8):
• up to 54kg, + 54kg to 58 kg, + 58kg to 63kg, + 63kg to 68kg, + 68kg to 74kg, + 74kg to 80kg, + 80kg to
87kg and + 87kg
Individual women competition (8):
• up to 46kg, + 46kg to 49kg, + 49kg to 53kg, + 53kg to 57kg, + 57kg to 62kg, + 62kg to 67kg, + 67kg to
73kg and + 73kg
TAE 2 programme
The Championship will last two (2) days.
TAE 3 entr ies
There is no restriction concerning the number of entries by NUSA or by Universities.
TAE 4 delegation
The athletes of each University form a delegation. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.
TAE 5 playing scheme
The format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/
athletes entered.
TAE 6 draw, see ding
The draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA representative taking into account
ETU rules.
TAE 7 financial obligations
Each team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on
EUSA request.
Regulations for the EUSA sports events
rules and regulations for eusa sport events (pdf download)